Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mom Says

By Yvonne Chase So, youre a member of every suitable on-line dating site, you hang out at all the right spots and feverishly attend networking events, youve answered personal ads that appeal to you and you still havent met the one. Or if youre like me, youve dated a series of potential perfect matches only to be left with disappointment. Youre probably wondering, Are all the good single men hiding under a rock? The answer is a resounding NO! Listen, if you have put all of this energy into meeting the one and have come up short every time, its time to listen to mom. Shes a wise soon to be seventy year young looking woman whos been married to an amazing man for 40+ years. I think she would know a thing or two about this thing called living single, dating and meeting the one. My mother had seen me date one loser after the next. Yes, your Dating and Relationship Coach has dated many a LOSER! But hey, if I hadnt, this newsletter or this work that I am so passionate about would not exist. So while I learn as I go, I will show as I go too. Now, here is what mom told me: Stop looking. Mom is not suggesting in any way that you sit at home and wait for Mr. Right to ring your doorbell. What she is suggesting is that you dont put so much energy and focus into looking for the one that you lose hope and get discouraged. Did you know that sometimes you could put so much energy into looking for something that you actually push it away from you? Cast a wide net, relax and let it come to you. Be clear about what you want. Decide what qualities you desire most in a husband or wife and be specific. Write them down in detail with the bigger picture of your life in mind. If you want someone that shares your spiritual beliefs be clear about what that means to you and how that looks to you. Be seen in your best light. Figure out what you like to do, figure out what youre really good at and do it. Maybe you enjoy bowling bowl! Perhaps you enjoy bike riding ride or if youre like me and enjoy working out get a membership at your local gym. Did you know that most gyms offer a FREE 2-week membership? You never know who you might meet while doing what you love or trying something new. Check yourself. If you are attracting what you dont want, its time to take a look at the man in the mirror. Remember, like attracts like. Make sure you love yourself adequately, take great care of you and feel good about you so that you can attract the like. You dont have to go anywhere looking for a man. I didnt go anywhere looking for your father. I lived my life to the fullest, I told God specifically what I wanted and I left it in his hands. Youre not going to meet him before its time so stop looking. - Mom Chase Something to think about... Coach Yvonne
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