By Arthur Buchanan This is a new song by Kelly Clarkson, I think once you hear my feeling of this song and what it really stands for, you are going to love it! Because of you I never stray to far from the sidewalk? What exactly does she want to covey to all of us? Now is this a good thing or a bad thing? Lets see, if you look at it one way its good, because on the side walk it is safe and you wont get hit by a speeding car! Now what if heaven was in the street and you or I never strayed to far from the sidewalk? Well its quite plan to see, if you dont leave the side walk (YOUR COMFORT ZONE), you will never get to heaven or your reunion with God. What if it doesnt matter if you stay on the sidewalk or go into the street? What if it really means because of you, God I will never stray, from you, who built me in your own image, because of you, I am connected to you eternally never to be separated, as a matter of fact what if this is the Garden of Eden and we dont know any better? What if we are collaborators of creation and in the evolution of things, we are waiting for the second coming of Christ, which in all reality is not the end of the world as we know it, its just the beginning of a new consciousness, a new heaven and earth where we will all be equal, regardless of what we have done in the past. I mean because of you, really means, that we are evolving as a species and what we gained when we ate the apple of good and evil, really was our first revaluation that we are truly connected to GOD and that we cant fail, because we are truly collaborators in creation, every feeling we get each and everyone of us, is God feeling it also, do you see how this could benefit him? If he knew there was an up, then he sure knew that there was a down, but maybe just maybe he wanted to feel this in the flesh and yes this is were Jesus comes in he was at such a high spiritual level that he showed us how to overcome the so called death, which is not really the end at all, it is just a new beginning of all the experiences wrap up into one giant organism. Now if we can truly and utterly want to be more like Christ, which means you literally, need to become more and more like him. Are you with me here? Jesus said before Abraham I am, now when it is used in this way it shows us that Jesus was there before, what we call time to the nothing which all things come from. How then did he multiply the fish and loaves? Well Jesus or the Christ was I am the alpha and omega, the begging and the end. He was, when there was nothing, as all of us came from the nothing into the space and time continuum. Because of you, I AM there is time and space, which truly only exist in your minds, if we are truly present in the NOW, then we as a spiritual being are fulfilled and God has expressed himself through us which we are the I AM. When Jesus performed a miracle he would look to the sky and said, I thank you father for what you are going to do! Because of you, I multiplied the fishes and loaves, because of you every day I get closer and closer to becoming like you and this is my destiny, because of you I can never be alone, or as the song says, stray to far from the side walk and that would be GOD! With Much Love & Compassion, Arthur Buchanan Out of Darkness 43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012 Huron, Ohio, 44839 567-219-8859 (cell Phone) Give a call and we'll see what we can do to help you :) (Go here and listen to my interview with Mike Littman!) (still working on) (still working on) Please know that you can share this article with anyone you want to and to maybe some you don't Even like, because it's that good & will in turn show that you love your neighbors, please pass it along as long as the footer is left in tact, my goal is to reach 2,000,000 people with this new Conciseness that I feel is Heavenly inspired and raise money for the Mentally Ill, I am setting up a non-profit Organization called Out of Darkness & Into The Light, please know if you want to make a difference in someones life, please donate $1 to our pay pal account, I can honestly say this will go to people who prove there is a need for their medication and they need it bad! Millions donated to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, I am asking you all out there to donate to MENTAL HEALTH DISODERS, as it is becoming a very hard topic to get people to donate to and the system is really under funded and we need to change that and now! We can change this you and me together. This organization will help provide medicine for those who can not afford it, so they dont have to eat dog food or, instead of getting there medicine So remember anyone reading this because of you, I Will Lay my life down, because of you I took another breath today. They don't call me The Zig Ziglar of Mental Health for nothing, please know, if you are suffering right now, that tomorrow can and will get better, I am a walking miracle and if I CAN RECOVER, SO CAN YOU! Because of you! "Art Buchanan's story of personal revival absolutely inspiring! He's one of the foremost experts in overcoming mental illness and what he knows can transform your life!" Mike Litman Host - Worlds #1 Personal Developmental Radio Show
( They are calling Arthur Buchanan's methods of recovering from mental illness REVOLUTIONARY! (MEDICAL COLLEGE OF MICHIGAN) 'Arthur Buchanan has given us a revolutionary blue print for recovery in these uncertain times, when Mental Illness at a all time high in the United States of
America, yet if you follow this young mans methods, we assure you of positive results and I QUOTE 'If these methods are followed precisely, their is no way you can't see positiveresults with whatever illness
you have' Dr. Herbert Palos Detroit, Michigan' With Much Love,
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